Promotion of Health Capability for All
Promoting the optimal possible health and flourishing of all
Promoting health capability means valuing everyone's health and flourishing through ensuring that each person has the conditions to achieve optimal possible health. Optimal possible health is a state of dynamic balance in which an individual's ability to cope with her circumstances is maximized. Such an individual has anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; the ability to perform personally valued roles; and the ability to deal with physical, biological, psychological, and social stress. At a minimum, promoting health capability means everyone can live without avoidable morbidity and premature death -- central health capabilities that should be achievable for all. At maximum, optimal health and flourishing is the goal. Promoting health capability also includes the central concept of health agency. Individual and collective health agency gives meaning to freedom, enabling all to achieve the health and flourishing goals important to them.
Health capability is important, firstly, because health is intrinsically and instrumentally valuable, secondly, it acknowledges the value of human freedom, and thirdly, it benefits society as healthier societies can thrive more. Promoting health capability gains importance from the value of health. Health has an intrinsic value that morally necessitates its promotion. As an essential component of human flourishing – the ability to live a good life – health is also instrumentally important. Health capability provides a realistic sense of freedom in health, practiced as health agency. Health capability guarantees a minimum condition for anyone to practice their health agency while still creating space for individual decision-making. It is neither absolute non-interference nor paternalism. Lastly, promoting the health of each member of society benefits the whole, as healthier individuals contribute to the overall societal development. Empirical evidence suggests that many societies prioritize health as a collective value, especially as they develop and mature.
The world under the principle of health capability for all enables all individuals to flourish in accordance with their own conceptions of the good life. External conditions guarantee a ‘threshold of thriving’ – that individuals are enabled to achieve their optimal health. Society, both domestic and global levels, is well-organized to promote every person's health capabilities. Individual and collective actors use their health agency to effectively guide decision-making, aligning their own health and other interests with collective health and interests.
The promotion of health capability requires individuals and various collective actors (government, providers, NGOs, etc.) to work collaboratively. Everyone should know the importance of their health agency since the responsible use of their health agency is important to maintain their own health and promote the health of people around them. Individuals should be committed to promoting their own health and that of others, with the appropriate use of their health agency. Society should be well-organized to promote health effectively and efficiently. The steps for this progression are stipulated in other SHG principles.